A quiet, easy, non demanding start to my day by playing one of my foodie computer games and giving scritchies to Mr Data.
Oh and making homemade waffles.
And having to slap my hand to get off of the walmart website before I ordered two cooking books that my meetup baking group is using.
Now technically I do NOT need the books. The meetup leader has the recipes in her book, we follow along and then she's giving us copies of the recipes for our own use if we want to recreate them later. And if worse comes to worse, with internet, I could find copies of most of the recipes floating around if I looked for them.
This is purely a case of cookbook lust. I have a weakness for hardcover cookbooks with glossy pages and shiny color pictures of beautiful food. At one point, I had at least a 100 of them but over the past few years during that dark cooking days of eating junk and ignoring my cookbooks, I've gradually whittled them down to a few dozen of mostly healthy, good for you cookbooks. The rest I either sold on ebay or put downstairs in my apartment lobby for anyone to take as they wanted.
Which of course meant it was perfect timing to rediscover cooking and not the healthy stuff I have access to. What I'm talking about is the baking books, the ones with butter and eggs and vanilla and whipped cream and such. So of course the other healthy cookbooks seem boring by comparison.
Thank goodness for the internet. Although I'm still having to coax myself down off the walmart website each time the visions of those lovely books come floating before my eyes.
Now the waffles are not going to look pretty. That I already know as I ladled too much batter into the waffle iron and I can see some of the batter trying to escape and make it to freedom. Plus, I realized I forgot to oil both sides of the iron so one half is stuck. But it smells delicious. And it tastes delicious, at least the half that I was able to get off the oiled side does. So this is why this is the kind of day that the doctor would have ordered for me. I still have to go to work, but not until around noon (since nobody else is there, I can make my own hours up). But here I am, lazing around, baking waffles, giving scritchies to my cat who has since abandoned me for his favorite nap spot in the bedroom.
All I need now is some classic Bugs Bunny cartoons for the ultimate Sunday morning.
Last but not least, thanks to One Crazy Asian Girl for joining my blog yesterday and to Palidor for her kind compliment!
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